Monday, November 7, 2011

Continuing the Journey

Over the past week or so, I've not been doing very well about my food and exercise. I have not horrible, but I can tell the difference in how my body feels. It's funny though because I can tell a big difference in how I look at food and what I want to eat. My challenge of late is that I get so busy with life that I forget to eat. So, I've been eating like once or twice a day instead of 4-5 times a day. Therefore I've made a decision, I'm focusing more on my food this week, but will also keep living life. Which means I need to plan more ahead and think about what I'm going to eat before I get hungry. I'm excited to continue this journey.

As for my exercise, I've joined the local aquatic center that has a small room with workout equipment, times for lap swimming, water exercise classes and a hottub! I planning starting to use all of them (not at the same time) today! I love swimming and it allows me to some good exercise in without hurting my back too much. I have a goal to complete a 5k next summer and if I work hard and keep that goal in mind, I will be able to do it!

Starting weight: 365 lbs
Current weight: 340 lbs
25 lbs gone!!!! I weigh less than I have in 2 yrs! I'm excited to see the rest of the weight go away! Here I go!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you updated! I really like reading about all the positive things you are doing to be healthy, it's very motivating! :) Good job on the weight loss. :)
