Monday, April 9, 2012


It's been a few months since my last post, so let me first give you a quick update of what is going on with me. In January, the house that I had been staying at SOLD, so I had to find a job and move. At the beginning of March I moved to New Jersey to become a full time live-in nanny. Also, Spencer left on his mission in early March. The only contact that we will have with one another is through letters for the next two years. As we can imagine, the past few months have been stressful and emotional. During this time I realized that I am a HUGE emotional eater. It has been hard, but I've gained control again.

After moving to NJ, I decided to join a local gym, My Training Gym. It's different than any other gym because they are focused on helping each individual make a change in their life and achieve their goals. I have an AWESOME trainer, Alex, who knows just how to push me. Another trainer, Joe, works with me on my nutrition, which has been helpful. I'm excited to see myself grow and change over the next year.

I have set some fitness goals for myself:

1: Jog for 1 minute (if you remember in my last post, I wasn't able to do this in January)

CHECK! Tonight I jogged for 1 minute at speed 3.4 with an incline 2.5!

2: Run a mile in under 12 minutes. When I was in elementary school, they would do a physical test and I was never able to complete the mile under 12 minutes.

3: Complete a 5k by the end of 2012. I can do it!

4: This one is hard and I can't believe I'm committing to it by posting it, but here it is: run a half marathon! Yep, all 13.1 miles!

Today, I was told by the trainers that I'm naturally athletic! I think my jaw dropped to the floor! ME?!?!? Athletic?!?! Apparently, I work hard in the gym. Well, I guess I'll look athletic when I shed this weight! Lighter body here I come!

Starting weight: 365 lbs
Jan 15th weight: 324 lbs
March 18th weight: 335 lbs (the day before I started with my trainer)
Current weight: 325 lbs!!

Down 10 lbs since I started working with my trainer and down 40 lbs since October!!! Next goal, get under 300 lbs! I can do it!


  1. I am SO incredibly proud of you!!!! I am running my first 5K on May 12 and my goal is a 12 minute mile! I can remember the day when I couldn't even walk all the way around my cul de sac! Things are changing for both of us my sweet!!! We should run the half marathon together!!!!!!! Love you SO much!!! Keep up all the amazing work you are doing!!!! Xoxo

  2. Erin thank you for all your support! You are inspiring me! I think it would be awesome to run a half marathon together! Once we both get there lol. By the way do you have any pictures of the two of us together from before? I think it would be cool to take a picture of both of us together after. :) love you too!
