Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 15 of Reboot!

Yay! I have spent the last 2 weeks changing how I eat and it has paid off! I feel healthier and have more energy! But just because I'm done with the reboot doesn't mean I'm done .... this is just the beginning! This week I am going to start add nuts, cheese, and some meats back into my diet.

Today we stopped at a local farm and picked up some food. I don't know what it is about buying straight from the farm, but it makes me more excited about the food! We also went to Trader Joe's (my favorite!) and picked up a few things. I'm excited about food and I don't feel guilty!

Exercise: Yesterday I walked 2.2 miles just because I needed some air lol and today I walked 3 miles! I want to start swimming and using weights to build muscle. I'm feeling sore, but good!

I have a goal to walk a 5k next summer (my sister said that she would do it with me) and to run a 5k before I turn 30yrs old (which is Jan 2014). I can do it! My parents ran the New York Marathon when they were about my age ... maybe someday I will too.

Mental health: Personally I find that my mental health and spiritual health go together. I've been spending time reading, which I enjoy and helps me relax. I also have been getting out with friends who make me laugh. Laughter is a great healer!

Sorry this is short and my thoughts are kinda scattered, but I need to go cook dinner.

Starting weight: 365 lbs
Current weight: 348 lbs
Weight Lost: 17 lbs!!!!

I have a goal to be down to 300 lbs by Christmas! I will be kicking myself into high gear in the next few weeks! I CAN DO IT!!!!


  1. Stephanie, I am so proud of you! That is just amazing! I love reading about your progress. It's totally helped me to stay focused on my goals, as well. Keep it up! You are one sexy Momma! :D

  2. Great work Stephanie! I am so impressed with you! Keep on keepin on! :)
