Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 9 of Reboot

This will be a short posting since I have a lot to do (I've been helping my mom get her house ready to sell). However, I did want to share a few things:

Celebrate: Celebrate your small accomplishments! If you don't eat that basket of bread on the table before dinner, give yourself a pat on the back! Yesterday, I said no to desert (which looked super yummy and had ice cream - my favorite) and felt great about it!

Cheating is okay: I know your mother told you to never cheat, but it's okay to cheat occasionally on a diet. On Saturday I ate lunch at Burger King and ate two bite size snickers in the evening. I had to remind myself that I also went 5 days without cheating at all, so I was doing great!

Plan ahead of time: I ended up eating at Burger King because I hadn't eaten breakfast and went running out the door without thinking about what I was going to eat. (By the way, on a side note, I felt so sick after I ate the cheeseburger ... I think I'll be thinking twice before doing that again!) If you are like me and don't plan much time for breakfast in the morning, prepare it the night before. You can make a lot of your food the night before and just take it with you.

Journal: There is no calorie counting or food journaling in this diet, but I need to journal about how I'm feeling. I've found that when I'm stressed out and emotional, instead of heading to the kitchen to fed my feelings, I now go to my quiet room, take a few breaths, and then write down everything I'm feeling into my little journal that I just bought.

There's one last thing that I am excited to tell you about ... I've lost 13 lbs! Today I put on a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in over a year!

Starting weight: 365 lbs
Current weight: 352 lbs!

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